Pediatric Dentistry

Sealants for Your Child’s Healthy Teeth

From an early age, we stress with our children the need to be good brushers and, eventually, flossers. There’s no…

3 years ago

Why Does Your Pediatric Dentist Take Dental X-rays?

What's the truth about dental x-rays?  Most parents cringe at the thought of their child having an x-ray, especially at…

4 years ago

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

It used to be that cavities were a thing that went along with being a child. Back in the “old…

4 years ago

When and Why Should My Child See the Orthodontist?

If you had braces when you were a child, tween, or teen, you no doubt remember that time with a…

4 years ago

Best Pediatric Dentist in Anchorage!

Best Pediatric Dentist in Anchorage! Thanks for the Vote of Confidence! At Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we always do our best…

4 years ago

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Not all dentists are created equal. And when it comes to choosing a dentist to care for your child’s dental…

4 years ago