First Dental Visit by the First Birthday!

Here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we hear this question all the time. It may seem silly because maybe your baby only has a few teeth but these first visits are very important. You can think of it as a regular checkup like the ones you would take them to with their pediatrician. According to the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the first dental visit should be when the first tooth erupts or by their first birthday.

First Dental Visit Examination

At this first dental visit, we will exam your baby’s mouth to make sure that their jaw and teeth are developing correctly. At this first dental exam, we will educate you about oral health and the best way to care for your baby. During this exam, we will check for tooth eruption, symmetry in the mouth, possible abnormalities, and any signs of decay.

Crying during exam

It is normal behavior for your child to cry a little and move around during the first dental exam. It is a reaction to the unknown and most children quickly relax. The appointment will be spent educating you about oral health and how to best care for your baby.

Healthy Oral Habits

We will show you the proper way to brush and floss your baby’s teeth so you can prevent tooth decay but more importantly so that your child will get used to the routine and so it becomes a lifelong habit. It is much easier to introduce healthy oral care habits to a baby when they are younger than waiting a few years. We will also discuss topics such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, the use of pacifiers and sippy cups. Our goal is to educate parents so we can work together to prevent oral disease before it begins. By taking your baby at an early age to the pediatric dentist, it will set them up on a routine of coming to our office and allowing us to prevent any issues before they become a larger problem.

Our goal at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry is for your child to have a healthy mouth!   Call us at (907)562-1003 to schedule an appointment today with one of our board certified pediatric dentists!

First Dental Visit

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Pediatric Dentists Anchorage Alaska

At Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dental care for infants, children and adolescents. Our passion and the purpose of our practice, is to provide the best possible pediatric dental care through kindness, education, and excellent treatment.


Monday 8 AM–5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM–5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM–5 PM
Thursday 8 AM–5 PM


Board Certified Kids Dentist

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