Loose Teeth and What You Need to Know

Many times here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we get asked about loose tooth in children and what a parent should do.  Here are some important tips on what you need to know about loose teeth!

What do I do if my child’s tooth is pushed back?

Your child’s pediatric dentist must address any variety of tooth movement within the first 24 hours after the injury. Many times they can reposition baby teeth within the first couple of hours.
The bone may firm up If you wait too long, and the tooth won’t be able to be realigned. Pediatric dentists usually won’t do any major manipulation on baby teeth as to avoid damaging the permanent tooth below and the tooth will have to remain crooked until it falls out.

Can a child’s loose tooth hurt?

Losing baby teeth is normally pain-free. the roots of the baby teeth dissolve as your child’s permanent teeth begin to erupt. As your child’s baby teeth are becoming loose and falling out, this is an indication that the six-year molars are about to erupt.

Can a loose tooth tighten back up?

Teeth naturally tighten themselves back up over a short period of time. If the loose tooth does not tighten on its own,  make an appointment for your child at their pediatric dentist for an examination. The tooth will need to be secured with stabilizing wires as soon as possible.

Why is my child’s permanent tooth loose?

A loose permanent tooth could be the result of an injury, teeth grinding, or gum disease. If your child’s permanent tooth is loose, consult their pediatric dentist immediately. Regular hygiene appointments will help decrease the likelihood of their teeth getting loose due to oral disease and infection.

What happens if my toddler knocks a baby tooth loose?

Whatever you do do not try to place it back in the socket as this can cause damage to the permanent tooth below it! Call us at (907)562-1003 so we can make sure there is no damage to the permanent tooth below it.  We will do an exam and X-rays and check your child’s mouth for any other damage that may have occurred.

Loose Tooth Child

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Pediatric Dentists Anchorage Alaska

At Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dental care for infants, children and adolescents. Our passion and the purpose of our practice, is to provide the best possible pediatric dental care through kindness, education, and excellent treatment.


Monday 8 AM–5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM–5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM–5 PM
Thursday 8 AM–5 PM


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