For parents

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Not all dentists are created equal. And when it comes to choosing a dentist to care for your child’s dental…

4 years ago

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

When your baby’s first teeth appear, it’s an exciting time! There are so many hallmarks in a small child’s life…

5 years ago

FAQ about Your Child’s Baby Teeth

When you have a child – especially your first – everything is new and wonderful! In many instances, you simply…

5 years ago

Sealants and the Prevention of Dental Decay

Sealants are a great prevention tool that can really reduce your child’s risk for decay. With that being said, what…

5 years ago

7 Dental Problems in Babies

When you become a parent there are so many questions you face when it comes to caring for your new…

5 years ago

How to Floss with Braces!

While wearing braces it is even more important to make sure you are brushing and flossing properly. It takes a…

6 years ago

Mouth Guards: 4 Reason to Wear One During Sports

While playing sports it is important to wear a mouth guard in order to decrease the risk of mouth or…

6 years ago

Loose Teeth and What You Need to Know

Many times here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry we get asked about loose tooth in children and what a parent should…

6 years ago

When Should Kids Start Flossing?

It is a common question we get asked a lot! Flossing. When do we start? How do we do it?…

6 years ago

Should You Pull Your Child’s Tooth?

Most children begin to lose teeth around age six, but some can lose teeth as early as four years old…

6 years ago

How to Choose the Right Electric Toothbrush For Your Child!

There are many choices of electric toothbrushes on the market nowadays. It may take trying some out to find the…

6 years ago

Causes of Bleeding Gums in Children

Bleeding gums in children are never normal When flossing your toddler's teeth they may experience some bleeding and even think…

6 years ago

The 5 Most Common Dental Issues in Children

As the needs change for children’s dental health as they grow, so do possible dental issues they may experience. By…

6 years ago

First Dental Visit by the First Birthday!

Here at Anchorage Pediatric Dentistry, we hear this question all the time. It may seem silly because maybe your baby…

6 years ago

Brushing Teeth Calendar for Kiddos

Help your child make brushing their teeth part of their daily routine. Make this year something to smile about! Download…

6 years ago

A Child’s First Dental Exam: What to Know

You may be wondering, "What happens at my child's first dental exam?"  When you begin taking your child to the…

6 years ago

Six Surprising Bad Foods For Your Child’s Teeth

Everyone knows and has been told numerous times that sugar is bad for our children’s teeth. Many foods are less…

6 years ago

How Do I Find a Pediatric Dentist Near Me?

If you are looking for a pediatric dentist near you in Anchorage, Alaska it is important to know what type…

6 years ago

How to Correctly Brush Your Child’s Teeth!

As the holiday season begins to come to a close, you are probably starting to think about resolutions for 2020.…

6 years ago

The 5 Stages of Tooth Decay

Did you know there are five stages of tooth decay? And, that in the first phase of decay it is…

6 years ago

How to Clean Your Tongue

Imagine it’s still winter ... you’re standing at the door, ready to brave the cold. You’re layered-up with three shirts…

6 years ago

How does Pediatric Sedation Dentistry Work?

Our pediatric dentists' first consideration when it comes to a child receiving pediatric sedation dentistry is safety. Pediatric dentists recommend…

6 years ago

5 Most Common Errors In Brushing Your Teeth

To keep your teeth and mouth healthy, brushing is the most important thing you can do every single day! It…

7 years ago

When should orthodontic treatment start?

Developing malocclusions, or bad bites, can be recognized as early as 2-3 years of age. Often, early steps can be…

7 years ago

4 Tips to Stop Kids from Grinding Their Teeth (Bruxism)

Bruxism or the nocturnal grinding of teeth is often concerning for parents.  Often, the first indication is the noise created…

7 years ago

Six tips to care for your toddler’s teeth

Caring for your toddler's teeth should begin early. You must develop the tools and habits that will help your toddler…

7 years ago

5 Tips to stop thumbsucking

Sucking is a natural reflex and infants and young children may use thumbs, fingers, pacifiers and other objects on which…

7 years ago

When should you start brushing your baby’s teeth?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry suggests brushing your baby's teeth as soon as the first tiny tooth pops through…

7 years ago

5 Reasons to Schedule Your Kid’s Back-to-School Dental Exam

Parents, schedule your kid's dental exam before school starts because of a beautiful ѕmіlе hеlрѕ in winning a mіllіоn hearts.…

7 years ago

Baby Teething Chart

When do Babies Begin Teething? Most babies begin teething somewhere between six to twelve months. Usually, the last primary molar pops…

7 years ago

Does my child need braces?

Taking a short break from our Dental Trauma series, I thought I write about something a little more lighthearted and…

7 years ago

Four Signs of a Teething Baby

Parents always gush over baby’s first tooth, but what you don’t see in the precious picture are the miserable moments…

7 years ago

Baby tooth knocked loose, What should I do?

If you are reading this your child probably has a tooth knocked loose.  Do not panic!  The two types of…

7 years ago

What causes toddler cavities?

My toddler has cavities! But why? We have almost all had a cavity at some time, but why do some…

7 years ago

Knocked out Baby Tooth

Dental Trauma and injuries: Part 1 The most commonly knocked out baby tooth/ teeth are the top front teeth. Whether…

7 years ago

Bleeding after a baby tooth falls out

How do I stop bleeding after my child's baby tooth falls out? Children often start losing teeth around the age…

7 years ago

Possible broken jaw in Children

In the event of jaw injury, tie the mouth closed with a towel, tie or handkerchief. Go immediately to an…

7 years ago

My child knocked out a permanent tooth! Help!

My child knocked out a permanent tooth! Help! We get these calls all the time. Do not worry you came…

7 years ago

Broken tooth

Rinse the area with warm water. Put a cold compress over the facial area of the injury. Recover any broken…

7 years ago